Flowers with Seasonality in Mind

Grown here on The Farm or Sourced from Local Growers

Our story

We built our house in late 1992, and I had a long garden bed in and planted before we broke ground. I have always loved daffodils and naturalizing them around the property, like my parents had, seemed a must. So those sprays of Yellow and White dot the landscape with promise and cheerfulness.

Then came the peonies! My love affair with tulips had a set back thanks to the deer roaming the area. In fact there was so much damage it changed what I planted out and not in as pleasing a way. But as our lives changed, so did the garden. I stopped showing and breeding Smooth Fox Terriers, and needed a new outlet. Back to gardening in ernest! Gardening was something I had done with my Grandparents. I am number 6 of 7 children, and my Grandparents would pick me up from Nursery school and keep me all afternoon. We would watch birds and garden. It was just a normal life function for me as an adult. I suspect that my love of certain flowers traces back to them. The garden pond full of goldfish and the sweet peas along the fence, the Bearded Iris bed, the Peonies, the Roses my Grandparents loving attended too, and violas as ground cover everywhere.

Since fresh flowers in the house was almost a religion, I decided to start my own cutting garden. With my husband’s help I built a good sized raised bed anchored around the outside with granite boulders, and planted mostly dahlias, my first ones. My Garden Pond is the focal point of the backyard - your eyes are drawn there immediately - full of pond life and Water Lilies.

Picked with care

During the summer of 2014 was when I began researching ‘Growing Cut Flowers” as a business thanks to a book By Lynn Byczynski. I did quite a bit of reading and research, and started small in 2015, but…I have grown each year (mostly by my choice) because I was sure the following year would be even better. Constantly looking for more information, I try to attend seminars or take courses which will give me a new method of doing something. Although mostly working alone I do have few loyal friends that come and help me weed on occasion.

I honestly love what I am doing right now, and I get to work with my husband Jim as a Team, on the Farm, watching our space take shape in glorious colour! We are trying to increase our offerings each year, while continuing to be mindful of our environment.

Jim has added his Fine Cabinetry to our Group. His specialized Skills have created many pieces around Kingston over the years such as Doors, Cabinets, Kitchens etc, including our house!

We still have a few Fox Terriers living with us, they are wonderful company and they help with unwanted rodents. As always they provide cheerful and loving company.

Liz & Jim

Dahlia Field in Fall